If you’re just joining me, I’m currently participating in Project 333 an online challenge to wear only thirty-three items for a three month period. The idea is that all your clothing can fit into one suitcase or “capsule.” Therefore, the clothes you choose to include for your three months is called a “capsule wardrobe.”
I’m choosing to do this for very specific reasons. Minimalism is, apparently, in vogue right now, but I didn’t know that until I started this project. Actually, that fact almost turned me away from doing it at all! (Here’s where it gets personal, people!) You see, I have used clothes for years in a desperate attempt to appear “cool.” I have chased “cool” most of my life, in fact. Ever since my crush, John King, told me in the fourth grade that I was a “hell no” girl (yup, this was in the fourth grade!) I’ve had a bit of a complex about my appearance, my “cool,” and generally my worthiness to be loved (I know, I know. Boohoo. This post gets happier, so stay with me!).
BUT GOD. But God found a way for me to realize how silly this really was. He, in His infinite wisdom gave me my wonderful, adorable daughter. Through pregnancy and being a momma to her, I am coming to learn that, sob, it’s not all about me!
Yeah, yeah. We all know I love Jesus...what’s that got to do with clothes? I was still focusing on ME. Me, me, me. How will I appear to people? Do I look like I tried too hard (the answer to this, by the way, is this: if you stood in front of your mirror for two hours, YOU LOOK LIKE YOU TRIED TOO HARD!)? Do I look sexy enough? Do I look conservative enough? I’m wearing green, but my eyes are blue...is that okay? It’s really laughable! I was buying lots of clothes, wearing only a few things, feeling good in practically nothing, and spending way too much time thinking about my own appearance. You know what the Bible calls that? Vanity.
So, what do I hope to get out of Project 333? Let’s face it. It’s fun to challenge myself in this way. I get to play with my clothes in a way I’ve never done before. I get to pack things away so that, hopefully, I feel like I’m getting new clothes when I create a new capsule. If I’m not spending money on a bunch of low quality items all the time, maybe I can save up and treat myself to one truly nice thing every once in awhile. I really expect to enjoy the whole thing, but it’s more than that. The long and the short of it is this: worrying about clothes and my appearance in general has taken enough of my time and money. What could I do with the time and money I’ll save when I forget about it?
We’re about to find out, people!
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