Saturday, May 14, 2016

Cloth Diapers: Just Tell Me What to Buy- Newborns

Late in my pregnancy, Dan and I started discussing cloth diapering.  We both liked the idea, but didn’t know where to start.  I went to the blogosphere and spent hours reading “Cloth 101” posts.  I practically got a degree in the subject from YouTube University.  By the time I needed help crawling out of bed, I felt decently prepared to fold, wash, pin, and spray my way through fluff heaven.  I had only one question: “What EXACTLY do I need to buy?!”

No matter how long and hard I searched, I couldn’t find a simple shopping list.  There is, of course, an explanation for this.  You see, each family is different and has its own specific needs.  Your unique situation will pose unique challenges, to which there will be unique solutions.  So how could there be a single, perfect shopping list that works for everyone?  Answer: There can’t be, and isn’t.

What I am attempting to do is define some typical situations, then offer some suggestions for how to fit cloth diapering into them.  As I completed the draft, I realized that it was way too long for a single post.  I’ve decided to break it into a series.  Each post will begin with this introduction and the basics for any fluff momma, then follow with a more specific type of family in mind.  I’ll post a new entry each day until I’m out of ideas.  Let me know if I miss something, I’d be happy to address it!

The (Basic) Situation:

You’ve decided to cloth diaper.  Congrats, Momma!  You’re going to have so much fun!

The Challenges:

Cover the basics that any fluff momma will need.

The Solution:

You’ll need a container to store dirty diapers until wash day, some waterproof bags for on-the-go changes, and some good detergent.  You may also want to have some dryer balls, some cloth diaper-safe rash cream, some cloth wipes, and a small spray bottle for wipes solution.

Try a laundry basket for your dirty diapers, as the airflow will prevent stink.  If you’d rather go with a closed system, you’ll need a couple of large wet bags to line the pail.  Two smaller wet bags will fit in the diaper bag for outings.  

Don’t waste your money on “cloth safe” detergents.  Whatever you use on your clothes is probably fine, unless it has fabric softener in it.  Fabric softener and dryer sheets are big no-nos for fluff, because they make your diapers repellent.  Most commercial diaper rash creams will do the same.  Wool dryer balls can replace your fabric softener, and there are some lovely cloth-safe creams on the market.

As long as you’re doing diaper laundry, you may as well use cloth wipes as well.  Purchase enough to get you from wash day to wash day, and get a small spray bottle to wet them with.  No need to buy special solution, as there are many recipes on Pinterest, or you can just use plain water.

The Shopping List:

  • A tall laundry basket or diaper pail
  • 2 large wetbags (if you choose a pail)
  • 2 small wetbags
  • A detergent without fabric softener
  • At least 2 wool dryer balls
  • A cloth safe diaper cream
  • 30 cloth wipes or cheap baby washcloths
  • A small spray bottle

The Situation:

You have a newborn baby!  Yay!

The Challenges:

  • You don’t want to spend beaucoup bucks on newborn sizes because Baby will grow out of them too fast.
  • Time is at a premium!
  • Diapers have to be changed every 2 hours or so, even in the middle of the night.

The Solution:

Prefolds are going to be your best friends.  Newborn and small sizes can be as cheap as $2 apiece, they wash and dry quickly and easily, and they can be jelly rolled to contain that runny, newborn poo.  Because your newborn will poop and pee more often than you could ever imagine, you’ll need between 30 and 40 prefolds to last from wash day to wash day.

Prefolds don’t have closures or waterproofing, so you’ll need to purchase those separately.  Snappis, Boingos, or pins all work, but I find Snappis easiest for fastening.  You’ll need one for the diaper bag and one for the changing table.  

There are many options for waterproof covers, but a PUL with aplix closure is probably your best bet for those dark, middle of the night changes.  You really won’t want to fumble with lining up snaps at 2am!  You’ll need about 4 of them, because you only have to wash them when they get poopy or really wet.  Otherwise they can just be cleaned with the wipe you’re using on Baby and put back on.

Finally, you might consider getting a 4-5 newborn fitteds with aplix closure.  This is purely a luxury, but they’re really nice to have!  They save you from having to jelly roll and Snappi in the middle of the night or on outings.  

The Shopping List:

  • 30-40 small prefolds- some newborn, if you wish
  • 2 Snappis
  • 4 PUL covers with aplix
  • 4-5 newborn fitteds (optional- you’ll only use these for a short time, and they can get pricey, so do what fits into your family’s budget)

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