This year my husband and I decided to spend Christmas with his family in California. We wanted to bring the new baby to meet them. Having heard that air travel wasn’t healthy for so young a baby, we will drive the approximately 22 hours from Denver to Los Angeles. Terrifying for a new momma, I can tell you that! I looked all over the internet for blogs and vlogs about how to travel with a newborn (Alice is 10 weeks old), but while there is plenty of advice for flying with a baby, there was very little about long car rides. So I thought I’d do a quick 2-part entry, the first of which being how I prepared for our 10-day trip, the second being how it went and what I’d do differently.
Packing for baby
I packed Alice in 3 categories: clothes, nursing supplies, and accessories. Her clothes at home are simple. When we go to work I almost always dress her in Sleep and Play style onsies. They have sleeves and pants, footies are built in, and they’re easy to get her in and out of when she needs a new nappy. I just don’t have time when we’re at work to keep track of a onsie, pants, shirt/sweater, socks, nappies… it’s too much. So when we aren’t at work I get really excited to dress her in cute outfits. I packed 1 outfit per day of the trip. Each outfit got a onsie, pants, socks, and a shirt if needed, then got packed into its own Ziplock bag so I don’t have to go to all the trouble of putting it back together later. She’ll sleep in sleep sacks with arms so I don’t have to pack jim jams and sleep sacks (or get her in and out of them for nighttime changing). I did also bring one pair of special Christmas jim jams that make her look like a candy cane for Christmas morning, and she gets to wear a special dress to church on Christmas Eve. Finally, of course, I added a bag of extra socks and hats, and I always have 2 extra outfits in the nappy bag, just in case. All of this will go into her own backpack so I’m not digging through my stuff to get to hers. I’ll be packing my Vera Bradley duffle for myself (I have an unhealthy obsession with Vera Bradley).
My nursing supplies are considerably more extensive than when I’m at home. I exclusively breastfeed, only pumping when I need to be away from the baby for more than an hour. Dan and I decided for the trip, however, that it would save us time if I pump on the road, then feed her with a bottle instead of stopping to nurse. I’m bringing a car charger for my Ameda Purely Yours pump, a stack of microwave sterilization bags from Target, my bottle brush, and 2 bottles. A friend recommended Dr. Brown’s Natural Flow bottles with premie nipples for the car because she had success preventing gas with them for her boys. No one wants a fussy, gassy baby for 22 hours! The other nursing accessory that I’m unfortunately bringing is a Swaddle Designs muslin swaddle for covering up. I much prefer to fight for the normalization of breastfeeding in public, but my husband is uncomfortable with it. Sigh. I’ll put away my crusade out of respect for him.
The last miscellaneous things I think I’ll need are as follows:
- A Boppy pillow
This will serve multiple purposes. I’ll use it for nursing, of course, but she’ll also spend tummy time on it during the day. We don’t want to cart the bulky Pack and Play out there, so the baby will be sleeping with us. We both fear rolling over on her, though, so we put her in the Boppy pillow between us for safekeeping!
- Toy
Alice is still too little to be really interested in toys, but she is starting to try to grab things. We have a cool little webbed ball with rattles that she can get ahold of and enjoys that’s going into the diaper bag.
- Nuks- self-explanatory
One more note. We usually do cloth nappies for Alice, but my father-in-law only has coin laundry at his complex. Dan decided, and I reluctantly agreed, that it would be too much of a pain to try to coordinate the cloth nappy laundry situation there, so we’re bringing some disposables that we received from the shower and buying more as needed on the road.
That’s it! Maybe I’m over-packing, but I’m still afraid I’m forgetting something. Oh well. It’s not like they don’t have Target in California! Do you have tips and tricks for car travel with Baby? Am I totally off my rocker with this plan? Leave me your comments!